Halachic Questions

Halachic Questions


1. Hilchot Tish’a Be’Av for PH patient’s:

It is completely forbidden for a PH patient to fast on Tish’a Be’Av. There are, however, several isurim that still apply to them:

  1. Eating and drinking- PH patients not only are permitted to, but are obligated to eat and drink.
  2. Washing – while you are not allowed to take a shower or even touch water, it is permitted to wash things related to your medicines. It is also required of those receiving Flolan or Remodulan intravenously to keep the parts of the device and the IV site clean. If a patient doesn’t feel well, and a shower will help him/her feel better, the patient can take a shower.
  3. Lubrication – it is prohibited to apply and rub oil on yourself. סיכה - אסור לסוך בשמן
  4. Marital relations forbidden (אסור).
  5. Wearing sandals – it is forbidden to wear leather shoes; therefore, you should wear non-leather shoes (e.g. crocs and rubber clogs). PH patients are allowed to wear sandals like they would on a regular day.
  6. Until Hatzot it is permitted to sit on a low chair and it is forbiden (אסור) to sit on chairs of regular height. However, patients who find this difficult may sit on regular chairs.

2. Are PH patients allowed to fast?

Fasting can be dangerous for people with pulmonary hypertension, therefore, they should not fast on any fast day except Yom Kippur. With regards to Yom Kippur, you should consult your most qualified/primary PH physician. It is important to check with the doctor whether you are required to drink and eat, how much you must drink and eat, and to consult a qualified and knowledgeable Rabbi with this information.


Remember: "ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם" - "And you must strongly protect your souls"- is a very important mitzvah in the Torah; without your soul you cannot keep the commandments.

3. Are there problems with taking any PH medicines on Pesach?

A patient with pulmonary hypertension is considered a patient that is constantly in danger and is therefore allowed to take all the drugs that treat pulmonary hypertension on Passover. In fact, it is even the patient’s duty to do so.

Have a kosher and happy holiday!


תרמו לעמותה צפו בסרטון תדמית הצטרפו לעמותה